Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Dresden, Germany

Dresden, Germany, capital of the federal state of Saxony, situated on the shores of the river Elbe, is considered the fourth largest city in Germany and more than half of its surface is represented by forests and green spaces, including four nature reserves . 
Among the most important tourist attractions in Dresden, are: 

Right near the Opera, Zwinger Palace is among the most ravishing baroque buildings in all of Germany. Being a collaboration between architect and sculptor Balthasar Permoser Pöppelmann Matthäus was originally a royal palace party, despite the odd name (which means "dungeon"). 
Some charming arcade leading to a vast courtyard filled with fountains, lavish buildings framed with carved baroque. At the top of the  western flag is Atlas, looking tense, holding the world on his shoulders, as opposed to it is a carillon of 40 Meissen porcelain bells, which emit a sound every 15 minutes.
Attractions located near: Catholic Church, Johanneum building, mural Fürstenzug, Royal Palace, Semper Opera House, the August bridge .

Church of Our Lady, known as Frauenkirche dome, one of the most beloved symbols of Dresden, was raised from the ashes of the city. The original, designed by Georg Bähr, embellished Dresden skyline for two centuries before collapsing two days after the bombing from February 1945.
Visitation fee is 8 euros and if you want an  audio guide in English it will add 2.50 euros.
Attractions located near: the Museum Albertinum, Municipal Museum, the building Johanneum, Bruhl terrace, mural Fürstenzug.

The Royal Palace, known as Residenzschloss , was the residence of the Saxon kings until 1918. When postwar reconstruction was almost complete, in the palace was restored the Green Vault, a stunning collection of objects made ​​of gold, ivory, silver, diamonds and other materials. There are so many, that are exposed in two separate rooms of treasures, both in the west wing of the palace. 

New Green Vault features over 1,000 objects in 10 modern rooms on an upper floor. Among the most valuable items include a frigate decorated with ivory with sailing very thin, a grain of cherry with 185 faces carved into it, and a set of 132 exotic gemstones figurines representing a royal court in India. Each art object is astounding. To avoid the biggest crowds visit the place during lunch.
Other 3000 additional items are listed below in Historic Green Vault . Are displayed on shelves and tables in a number of generous rooms , as it were on the days of August der Starke .
In the same wing , on the upper floor is a collection of prints and drawings . For beautiful views , head to the Palace Tower . For numismatics lovers we recommend coin collection , all located in the tower.
The ticket for all museums and collections in the palace, except the old green safe is 6 euros, and if you want to visit the old green safe the fee is 11.50 euro. 
The cost of visiting the old masters gallery is 6 euros, for visiting armory is 3 euros, for porcelain collection is 5 euro and for lounge math and science state is 3 euro.
Attractions located near:Catholic Church, Johanneum building, mural Fürstenzug, Semper Opera House, the August bridge, Zwinger Palace.

In northwest of Altstadt, you can not miss what looks like a giant mosque , a giant onion-shaped dome and stained glass. Yenidze, building the world's first reinforced concrete frame, initial worked in 1907 as a tobacco factory, producing a pseudo-exotic cigarette called Salaam Alakhem, but without success. Today it houses three restaurants and a terrace where you can have beer on the roof, inside the dome taking place  cultural events.
Attractions located near:The Royal Palace, Zwinger Palace, Semper Opera House, the building Johanneum, Carl Maria von Weber Museum, Japanese museum.

Semper Opera House is one of the most beautiful monuments in Dresda. The original building of Semper Opera  House burned  three decades after its inauguration in 1841. When it was reopened in 1878, neo-renaissance jewel came into the most amazing time of its, who saw premieres of works by Richard Strauss, Carl Maria von Weber and Richard Wagner. Unfortunately, World War II ended fun, and only in 1985 music filled the huge room again.
Even if you are not passionate about the work, it will be impossible not to be impressed by the opulent interior: the velvets, brocades and imitation marble skillfully crafted , creates an atmosphere of luxury and privacy. 
Guided tours of the building takes place throughout the hole day, depending of the work program at the opera and the fee is 6 euros.
Attractions located near:The Royal Palace, Zwinger Palace, the building Johanneum, catholic church, August bridge.

Occupying the former royal hunting land, is rightfully called Large Garden (Grosser Garten), a delightful retreat during the warmer months. Here, a magnet for visitors, is the excellent zoo, where crowds gravitate around the Africa hall and the new exhibition about tundra, with polar foxes and owls snow.In the northwest corner of the garden is Botanical Garden. From April to October is available a fun way to visit the park, aboard a miniature train.
Attractions located near: zoo, Botanical Garden,  Municipal Museum, Hygiene Museum, Church of Christ, transparent factory

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Jerusalem-the holy city

Jerusalem the capital of Israel, is one of the oldest and most popular cities in the world. It is part of Palestine region and is considered a holy city for muslims, christian and jewish believers.
Among the most important tourist attractions in Jerusalem are included: 

Western Wall or Wailing Wall, with the age of about 2.000 years, located at the western edge of the Temple Mount, is one of the most important and visited tourist attractions in Jerusalem. The wall was built by King Herod in the temple expansion.
Western Wall became a place of pilgrimage for Hebrew mainly during the Ottoman occupation, the Jews lamenting the destruction of the Temple by the Romans - this is why it was called the Wailing Wall.  

The square in front of the Wall is divided by a fence - on the left side is a larger space for man and on the right side is a smaller space for women. Wall Access is free, but the head must be covered and the clothes must be appropriate behavior. 

Dome of the Rock is one of the first major achievements of Muslim architecture. The Arabs believe that here is where the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven on his fabulous horse, and then to return to the earth and to transcribe visions.
Dome of the Rock along with Al Aqsa Mosque, ranks third place among the holiest places for Muslims after Mecca and Medina. Golden dome, built in four years, is visible from far away, and the interior is coated with bright ceramics and mosaics and arabic calligraphy.
Dome of the Rock is not a mosque, but a temple that protects under its dome the rock, sacred to muslims, christians and hebrew. 

Al Aqsa Mosque was built less than 20 years after the Dome of the Rock. Al Aqsa Mosque was built by Caliph  Omaiad Walid I  on the place of justinian basilica, dedicated to Our Lady. Crusaders took mosque as the Temple of Solomon, and the Jews call it Solomon School. 
  Al-Aqsa Mosque has a silver dome, here being Islamic Museum, which has in its patrmony islamic artifacts and  relics.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the most important place of Christian pilgrimage, is a large building, which lies on the places where it is believed that Jesus was crucified and buried, and then rise again. 
Church of the Holy Sepulchre is not a church, but rather a gathering of churches, each with its chapel and altar . Since the time of Saladin, each orthodox christians, roman catholics and eastern orthodox christians  have a separate area - a church in this building. 

The Orthodox Church is the largest of these churches and is situated in the east of the Holy Sepulchre. Armenians have several smaller shrines and chapels in the building, and a larger church - St Helena and St Gregory. Roman Catholics have two chapels, the ethiopians have a chapel and a monastery located on the roof, and the Copts have a small altar behind the Holy Sepulchre.

Citadel of Jerusalem lies south of Jaffa Gate and is called the Tower of David. The building is not related to King David, being made ​​in order to protect the palace of Herod. The three towers of the citadel are called Phasael after his brother, Mariamne, after his wife, and Hippicus, after his friend. 

Today the Citadel in Jerusalem houses a museum about the history of the city, a folk museum and some interesting archaeological excavations.

Israel Old City is a district with an area of 0.9 square kilometers, bounded by walls, within the modern city of Israel, which began to develop after 1860. In the historical center there are several essential religious monuments : the Temple Mount, the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque. 
According to tradition, Israel Old City is divided into four districts: Hebrew District, Christian Quarter, the Muslim Quarter and the Armenian Quarter. 
Israel Old City walls framing were built in the first half of the sixteenth century, by sultan Suleiman the Magnificent and have length 4 km. The walls were originally eight gates, seven preserving until today: Jaffa Gate, New Gate, Damascus Gate, Herod's Gate, St. Stephen's Gate, Golden Gate, Zion Gate and Garbage Gate.

Israel Museum is the most important place for art, archeology and anthropology in the country. Heritage museum includes paintings by famous artists (Rodin, Monet, van Gogh), and important archaeological discoveries. The piece de resistance of the museum is Shrine of the Book, a round shaped building that houses the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Garden of Gethsemane is the garden of Israel known as one of the places visited by Jesus Christ. Located near the Temple Mount, near Kidron Valley and the Mount of Olives, the garden is beautiful, full of greenery and attentive care. Cave of Gethsemane is in the garden of Gethsemane and is where the Savior came to pray. In the Garden of Gethsemane are four places of worship: Tomb of the Virgin, Cave of Gethsemane, catching stone Jesus (here is a Catholic Church) and the Church of the Holy Archdeacon Stefan.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Bern, Switzerland-historical monuments and sights

Bern, capital of Switzerland, is one of the most visited swiss cities, considered the most beautiful medieval town in Switzerland. Located in an area full of hills and large forests, this city has a charm besides dream landscapes that offers, is also a very quiet town.The old town, full of narrow cobbled streets with old houses, has a special glow, give it by the landscape provided by the beauty of the Alps.
Among the most important  historical monuments and sights from Bern are:

Federal Palace of Switzerlanddesigned by architect Hans Auer, inaugurated in 1 april 1902, is the name of the building in Bern in which are housed the Swiss Federal Assembly and the Federal Council.
The two rooms, were the National Council and Council of States meet, are separated by hall dome.  The dome itself has an external height of 64 m and an inner height of 33 m. The mosaic in the center contains federal crest with the latin motto "Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno" (One for all and all for one), surrounded by coats of arms of the 22 cantons that existed in 1902.
Among the attractions are located near the Federal Palace are: Marktgasse Avenue, clock tower, fountains in Bern, Einstein house, Swiss Alpine Museum and the History Museum.

Marktgasse Boulevard is one of the streets of the old town and is part of the inner city, built in the XIII century. Street in the old town is part of the Unesco world heritage and was first mentioned in 1286. 
Among the tourist attractions that are located in the boulevard area: fountains from Bern, Federal Palace, Museum of Fine Arts, clock tower, Einstein house and Kramgasse alley. 


The Clock Tower is an important symbol of the city of Bern. Clock located on the east side, made in 1530, is also the astronomical clock. My recommendation would be to get in the area  5 minutes before the clock to beat the exact time, because then mechanical figures are set in motion, which is a bizarre process, that must be seen to be believed.

Among the attractions are located near the tower clock:
-fountains in Bern known for the beauty of its statues;
-Einstein House in Bern, museum and former residence of Albert Einstein;
-Cathedral of St Vincent in Bern;
-Bern Avenue Marktgasse;
-Alley Kramgasse;

Cathedral of St Vincent is one of the most beautiful places of worship in Europe, visited each year by countless tourists and believers coming from all over the country .
The market where  is the cathedral, Münsterplatz, is surrounded by baroque buildings and even has a fountain from 1790 , its sculpture depicting Moses ,that reminds  the second commandment . On entering the cathedral you can admire the extraordinary sculptural rendering  Doomsday , with almost 200 characters, a unrivaled composition in gothic style
The interior is as the exterior : solid , carefully built and with the impressive decorations . They kept some original features , as well as several statues of saints of Christ and the Blessed Virgin .
You can climb over 100 meters on a small scale , with 254 numerous stone steps , but once reached to the top of the tower you will not regret . There you will find the largest bell in Switzerland , cast in 1611, with a weight of over 10 tons.
Among the attractions that are located near the cathedral are: fountains from Bern, clock tower, Einstein house and Kramgasse alley. 

At History Museum of Bern  you can spend days exploring the levels of the building , full of various collections . Downstairs there are temporary exhibitions , while the basement has a collection theme: "Dance of Death", a medieval artists obsession.
On the first floor you will find an impressive model of the city of Bern as it looks in 1800 . You will also find in here  medieval Flemish tapestries , and tapestry of a thousand flowers, the resistance piece of this collection.
Among the attractions that are located near the museum are:Federal Palace, clock tower, Einstein house and Kramgasse alley. 

Museum of Fine Arts Bern, within walking distance of the town train station, is a modern building, smart designed and newly renovated, a paradise for art lovers. 
In this museum are many works of Kandinsky, Modigliani, Giacometti, Cézanne, Matisse, Rothko, Miro, Pollock and many others, most presented in permanent exhibitions. 

Near is found Frauen-Kunstforum, a small museum dedicated to contemporary swiss painters, a laudable initiative, complemented by a stylish café and a small library.

Swiss Alpine Museum is a museum well suited to a city right next to the mountains. Museum shows all aspects of life in the mountains, in an intelligent and new  manner. From tourism trips and the lives of those who live in the Alps, fauna and flora, to the impact of industry on the Alps, nothing was forgotten. Mountains are presented in the museum both through images and through most of the detailed layouts.
Among the attractions that are located near the museum:Federal Palace, clock tower, Einstein house, Cathedral of St Vincent and Kramgasse alley. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Athens, the city of the gods

Athens, the city with the most glorious history in the world, a city worshiped by gods and people, a magical city. These are just a few words that shows an overview of the Greek capital. 
Greece is also the country where democracy was born and have lived the greatest sages of ancient times. The most important civilization of ancient world flourished in Athens and live today through stories and buildings that withstood heroically against time consuming.

Today Athens is Greece's economic and cultural center, with many historical monuments and sights, among witch the most important are:

 Agora, the ancient center of Athens, the center of political,commercial, administrative and social activities, religious center and the settlement  of justice, was used as a residential area in late Neolithic, in the early eleventh century, the Agora becaming a public area.

If you want to visit Agora you should know the following information: 
 -Agora entrance fee is 4 € for adults and € 2 for students and children;
-Agora can be visited daily between 08.30-19.30 hours, Monday  less when is open from 11:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (closed for the holidays); 
- the Agora is located near the Acropolis hill, along the streets of Plaka and Monastiraki ;

Temple of Olympian Zeus, also known as the Oplympeion, is located on Amalias Street at 500 meters southeast of the Acropolis and  700 meters south of Syntagma Square. Foundation belongs to a temple that was dedicated to the tyrant Pisistratus in 515 BC, but work was abandoned when Pisistratus's son, Hippias, was removed from the throne in 510 BC
If you want to visit the temple you should know the following information:
-Temple of Zeus can be visited daily between 08.00-19.30 hours Monday when it's less open from 11:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (closed for holidays);
-Entrance to the Temple of Zeus is 4 €  and is located on Amalias street; 

Acropolis, the most important and most beautiful temple in Athens called "Holy Stone of Athens" dedicated to its protector, goddess Athena, dominates the modern city center stone summit. The oldest myths, great festivals, worship ancient and several decisive events in history are all connected in this sacred place. Acropolis monuments are in natural harmony with the settlementOne of the main buildings of the Acropolis is the Parthenon.

The building of Parthenon was created by architects Kallikrates and Iktinos as the residence of the huge statue of Athena, its construction of lasting seven years. What is fascinating about Parthenon is that it creates a feeling that is built from parts that can be changed between them. For example, the columns are stones placed one upon another, the first sensation is that you could change one piece with the other but this is not possible. Each piece of the Parthenon is unique and fits with where it is located as in the hardest puzzle.

If you want to visit The Acropolis you should know the following information: 
-Acropolis can be visited every day from 08.00-19.30 least Monday when it opened between 11:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (closed for the holidays );
-Acropolis entrance fee is € 12 for adults and 6 € for students and children;

The construction of the Temple of Poseidon, god of the sea, began around 500 BC, but the monument was never finished. Temple and its attractions was first destroyed by the Persians in 480 BC. Temple of Poseidon that you can visit today was built on the site of the ruins of another temple. . 
Lord Byron carved his name on one of the marble columns in 1810. He triggered a real current, today the temple being scratched with signatures and initial of the tourists.

If you want to visit the temple of Poseidon, you should know the following information: 
-Temple of Poseidon can be visited every day between 8:30 to 20:00. (except in March when is closed);
-entrance to the Temple of Poseidon is 4 € for adults and € 2 for children;
-the temple is located in city ​​Sounio,  Athens organizing trips to the Temple of Poseidon;

Byzantine Museum was founded in 1914. Originally located at the ground floor of the Academy of Athens, he was moved to Villa Ilissia, winter residence of the Duchess of Piacenza 
Large collection of museum objects attest development during early Christianity until years after the Byzantine (sec IV-XIX). The collections include sculptures, paintings and small ornaments from Greece and from other parts of the Byzantine Empire as Asia Minor, Black Sea, Egypt and the Danubian Principalities that today are forming Romania. 
When will be finished enlargements of the museum, all 15,000 items of the collection will be exhibited and the building will be part of a huge archaeological park which includes the  Aristotle Lyceum  and a small outdoor amphitheater.
If you want to visit the Byzantine Museum, you should know the following information: 
-Byzantine Museum is open from tuesday to sunday from 8:00 to 19:30, closed on Mondays;
-the  entrance fee is 4 € for adults and € 2 for children;
-it is located on Vassilis Sofias Street,number 22;

Dionysus Theatre, built in a natural hollow in the Southern Acropolis, was the first theater in the world built of stone and represents the birth of Greek tragedy. Here was where Dionysus, the god of wine and fertility, was worshiped. Theatre of Dionysus was divided into three major parts. Orchestra, with a circular space where the action take place, elongated building scene, where the actors changed and its served as a background or setting, and the audience.
If you want to visit the Dionysus Theatre, you should know the following information:
-Theatre of Dionysus can be visited every day from 8:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the summer, and in the winter between 8:30 to 6:00 p.m. (except Mondays when it is closed) ;
-entrance to the Theater of Dionysos  is 2 € ;

The port of Piraeus, the biggest port of Greece, was built in the time of Themistocles, when the city walls were also high (year 478 AD Ch), and the entire Greek capital gains as under the supervision of architect Hippodamus.
Piraeus is composed of three ports, the "great port" is the biggest being placed in the west. From here goes all the large ships. Half a kilometer to the east, by a hill, lies the port of Zea, which is more a yacht harbor and also the starting point for many trips to the islands. Last port is Flisvos, 7 miles east of Zea, and is an exclusive port for trips. Piraeus is a commercial port and therefore will not find too many restaurants and hotels here but its worth a visit and is only  for its role in Greek history.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Top 20 most beautiful cities in the world (Part II )

Hello my dear friends, as I promised today I'm back with the second part of the top in witch we talk about the top 10 cities in the world, in my opinion as I said.

10.Roma, Italy

Rome, capital of Italy, situated on the banks of the Tiber river, is located in the Italian peninsula, in the province of Lazio. The city has a long history of being centuries the capital of the Roman Republic, Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church and modern Italy. That`s why Rome  has a wealth of monuments of great architectural and cultural value.

Being so rich in monuments, I have to be very brief presenting you a very small part, following that in a future article will detail more: 

-The Coliseum is the symbol of Italy, the largest amphitheater ever built in the Roman Empire during construction reaching up to 7 years. Although its monumental structure is now a ruin, it remains a majestic tourist attraction  that its worth seeing;
-St. Peter's Basilica, the center of Christianity, is a building of a  spectacular architectural beauty;
-The Roman Forum is an old Republican market built in the sixth century and it was for a long time political, economic and religious city;
-The Pantheon, builted over 1800 years ago, was the tallest dome in the world until Florence Cathedral was built in 1436 and is one of the most important sights in Rome;

9.Sydney, Australia

Sydney, dubbed the Emerald City, is one of the most popular tourist cities in the world, recognized as the world's most pleasant metropolis. It is located in the Jackson bay, a natural harbor on the southeast coast of the australian continent.

Among the major tourist attractions in Sydney are: 
-the Great  Harbour Bridge, with an impressive structure, is one of the most popular attractions of Sydney city and can be seen from any part of the Rocks district;
-at Colonial Museum, which is located on College Street, being the oldest museum in Australia, you can see collections of vertebrate and invertebrate, zoology, mineralogy, anthropology, paleontology;
-Sydney Opera House, located in Sydney city harbor and part of the UNESCO World Heritage, is one of the most famous buildings of twentieth century, being interesting by the unique architecture, the roof having the form of a seashel;

8.Amsterdam, Netherlands 

Amsterdam, the Dutch capital, is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Being a very old city, it  has very great tourism potential, providing many historical artifacts that are part of the national heritage of the Netherlands and are protected by the law.

Among the most representative tourist attractions are included:
-Madamme Tussaud's museum, known as the Wax Museum is the place where you can photograph Devir international stars, you can sing along favorite stars in the musical museum; 
- The famous Red Light District;

-Van Gogh Museum which contains the largest collection of Van Gogh paintings in the world but also collections of other artisti.Lucrarile Van Gogh are organized into five distinct periods in the life and work of the painter, which are: the Netherlands, Paris, Arles , Auvers sur Oise and Saint-Remy;

7.London, England

London, the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is one of the most visited cities in the world offering a wealth of sights.

The most popular cultural sites are: 
-Tower of London, founded by William the Conqueror, located on the banks of the Thames, is the best known tourist attraction and cultural center of London; 
-Big Ben, the emblem of the British capital, looks incredible at night when the clocks on each side and the facade are illuminated;
-Buckingham Palace, official residence of the Sovereign of the United Kingdom, was first opened to the public in 1993. Entrance to Buckingham Palace is through Ambassadors Court on the Buckingham Palace street. Palace Grand Hall is the place where is located the old reception hall at Buckingham Palace;
-Wheel of London, known as the London Eye, is an impressive attraction that must be seen once  arrived in London;

6.Venice, Italy

Venice is the most popular tourist destination because of the water channel which crosses the city and offers an air of romance. Venice has a multitude of attractions that can be enjoyed either from a  gondola or simply during a walk in the alleys of the city.

Among the most popular attractions in Venice are: 
- St. Mark's Square is the most famous square in Venice, surrounded by boutiques and cafes full of romance; 
-St. Mark's Basilica, the most famous church in Venice, because of the opulent form, decorated with Byzantine mosaics, and because of its status of power and wealth, has been called the golden church (Chiesa d'Oro);
- Grand Canal - although Venice is divided into islands and canals, The Grand Canal is one big canal in the true meaning of the word, has the form of an "S" in the mirror and is approximately 3.8 km long, 30-90 wide and a depth of 5 meters. The Grand Canal is the highest rated district in Venice: the houses are larger, decorations are much higher scale and has the easiest transport boats with the largest boat traffic in the city;
-Doge's Palace in Venice,serving as senate, administrative, court, public archive and prison until 1797 when the Venetian republic fell, is a superb example of venetian gothic architecture;
-Rialto Bridge, the oldest bridge over the Grand Canal and probably best known in the city, is an important tourist attraction that attracts annually a lot of tourists. Rialto Bridge is 7.5 meters high and includes 3-way walk. Two sides on the railing and the middle band which serves as a space for retailers that sell various blades, murano glass, jewelry and more;

5.Budapest, Ungary

Budapest, by the multitude of sights and beautiful places offered, the capital of Hungary becomes an ideal tourist destination. It can be considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and even in the world, many considering it the birthplace of the modern world.

Among the most popular attractions from Budapest, which can offer you an unforgettable holiday, are: 
-The building of the Hungarian Parliament, where the National Assembly meets, is one of the most beautiful legislative buildings in Europe and the third largest building in the world, hosting a national parliament;
-Chain Bridge, became one of the most famous sights in Budapest, connecting Pest and Buda across the Danube between Pesta and Buda and offers one of the best views in town, with all the majesty of the Danube which finds its way under the bridge. From the bridge we can  admire the grand Parliament building, which dominates the Pest side of the Danube, and the Castle towers on the hill of Buda;
-St. Stephen's Basilica, holy relic that offers a great view, important landmark in Budapest, is dedicated to the first king of Hungary, St. Stephen and is the largest church in Budapest that can accommodate about 8,500 people;
-Opera in Budapest, sights that offers its visitors great architectural and artistic performance, awaits visitors with a rich musical program that stretches along the hole year. Of course, only the architecture of the building itself worth seeing, even if you do not go to a show, because Opera House is a landmark in Budapest. Even for those who are not necessarily fascinated by the opera, visiting Budapest Opera building is recommended;

4.Berlin, Germany

Berlin, Germany's capital, a city with many attractions that are visited daily by many locals and tourists, is not only a center were are focused all the tourist attractions, but they are scattered throughout the city, a true historical center of Berlin beeing in the eastern part of it.

Here are some of the sights that you should visit when you are in Berlin: 

-The Berlin Wall, symbol of the Cold War divided the city into two parts, east and west. Built by the Government of the German Democratic Republic to prevent the East Germans flee to West Germany, most of it was demolished when the border between East and West was opened in 1989;
-The Brandenburg Gate is a monumental gate built in the 18th century as a symbol of peace. During the Cold War , when the gate is right on the border between East and West , became a symbol of a divided city . Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, Brandenburg Gate became a symbol of reunified Berlin;
- Alexanderplatz was the downtown and from the reunification of Germany , the market has become a main point of interest and an important tourist attraction . In the distant past was called Ochsenmarkt market or bull market, but in 1805, after a visit by Russian Tsar Alexander I, was renamed Alexanderplatz;
-Reichstag, the German Parliament is one of the most important tourist attractions and historical from Berlin. Parliament building is near the Brandenburg Gate and before the unification of Germany was even approached to the Berlin Wall;

3. New York, U.S.A.

New York City is the most populous city in the United States, its metropolitan area being one of the largest urban areas in the world. In this city you doesn't get bored never because you have a plurality of tourist attractions and culture buildings.

  Among the most popular tourist attractions in New York are: 

-Statue of Liberty, symbol of the American people is a copper statue offered in token of friendship from the people of France and installed just over 10 years, in 1886, on Liberty Island, with a height of 47 meters, and its gold torch high in the sky with another 45 yards.
-the Empire State Building represents the ambition of humans to build buildings that audacious rises to the sky. This skyscraper is perhaps the most famous building in New York, so that can be seen on a lot of postcards of the American city;
-Brooklyn Bridge is a symbol of New York City and at the time of its foundation was the largest suspension bridge in the world. Today it is a brand tourist attraction and is among the monuments on the list of historic preservation in New York;
-Central Park is one of the places that make New York a city American metropolis in witch so many people want to live. The park is located in Manhattan and his example was used as a model for many other cities around the world. The park has several lakes, theaters, fountains, ice rinks, tennis courts, basketball courts and playgrounds for children. There is also the Central Park Zoo and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

2.Sankt Petersburg, Rusia

In Saint Petersburg, a city that abounds in monuments and museums, located in an exceptional natural setting, on the banks of winding canals and Neva River, are several attractions that you have to visit to be able to make a more accurate idea about the beauties of the city. Short but rich history of the city St. Petersburg, endowed with a rich variety of architectural and artistic treasures, definitely worth to explore them on a holiday in the most beautiful city of Russia.

From the variety of tourist attractions of the city, some of the most popular are :

-The beautiful Church of the Resurrection of Jesus in St. Petersburg , one of the most prominent landmarks of the city, was built in the late 19th century in Russian classical style , decorated with colorful domes and mosaics of the most diverse. Church of the Resurrection of Jesus, known as the Church on Spilled Blood, the Russian Orthodox masterpiece, was built in honor of Tsar Alexander II of Russia, who was assassinated in the place were is built today this church;
-State Hermitage Museum is one of the largest and oldest museums in the world and certainly is a sight that must be found on the list of every tourist who arrives in St. Petersburg. In addition to owning one of the most important art collections in the world, the Hermitage is worth visiting for only its  very sumptuous insides;
-Peter and Paul Fortress, built in the same year as the founding of St. Petersburg, in 1703, became one of the main attractions of the city, mainly because of its multitude of buildings  full of history;
-National Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, founded in the late 19th century by Emperor Nicholas II as the first museum of Russian art, has a large part of its impressive collection on display in Mikhailovsky Palace;

1.Paris, France 

It is ideal to go to Paris together with your loved one because, besides major cultural sites such as Cathedral Notre Damme du Paris, Champs-Elysees, Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Basilica Sacre-Coer, here you can find many places full of romance such as walks along the river Senna, enjoying coffee at a cafe in Paris, all these making you to appreciate the most beautiful and simple.

Free attractions in Paris are:
-Notre Dame de Paris is one of the main symbols of the city and can be accessed at any time free by the  tourists; 
-Montmartre, the most beautiful district of Paris, is where you can visit free the Sacre-Coeur Basilica;
-Le Champ de Mars is the market were is the Eiffel Tower. Here you can enjoy free all landscapes; 
-Jardin des Tuileries is an historical garden where Queen Marie Antoinette walks and you can follow the Napoleon  path up to the Arc de Triomphe;
-Pere Lachaise Cemetery is a place of pilgrimage for lovers of culture and art, here being the tombs of Honore de Balzac, Marcel Proust and Oscar Wilde;

 -Modern Art Museum is a free alternative for    those who want to see a part of French art    before you go to visit Louvre Museum. 

In conclusion, this is in my own opinion, the top 20 most beautiful cities in the world. I'm sure opinions are different, but I hope I have covered at least 70% of your preferences. In the future I will tell you more about the sights that cities owns.